
Showing posts from December, 2020

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When general population discuss today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the top standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and attempted to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with corresponding scores higher

Trending with Impact: Melatonin’s Anticancer Effect in Prostate Cancer

A retrospective study from Russia demonstrates the anticancer effects of melatonin in poor-prognosis prostate cancer patients after combined hormone radiation treatment. PC-3 human prostate cancer cells, stained with Coomassie blue, under differential interference contrast microscope. PC-3 human prostate cancer cells, stained with Coomassie blue, under differential interference contrast microscope. The Trending with Impact series highlights Oncotarget publications attracting higher visibility among readers around the world online, in the news, and on social media—beyond normal readership levels. Look for future science news and articles about the latest trending publications here and at — Listen to an audio version of this article The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain and, through cues from our environment, secretes a naturally occurring hormone: melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for maintaining and regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. It is als

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When people speak of modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The issue today is that any outcomes of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and attempted to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with corresponding scores higher th

Behind the Study: Targeting Stem Cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

I’m Dr. Beatrice Aramini. I’m an assistant professor in thoracic surgery from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and a thoracic surgeon at University Hospital of Modena in Italy. I started to develop translational research project during my Ph.D. at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in Italy, and during my research fellowship at the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Division of Thoracic and Lung Transplant Surgery at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. My field of interests are mainly based on lung cancer. I thank you very much Oncotarget Journal for giving me the opportunity to present and discuss my scientific work published in April 2020 and entitled “CD44+/EPCAM+ cells detect a subpopulation of ALDH high cells in human non-small cell lung cancer: A chance for targeting cancer stem cells?“ Philadelphia hospital San Antonio hospitals San Diego hospitals Dallas hospitals San Jose hospitals The origin of this research comes from September,

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When general population discuss modern medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The challenge today is that any recommendations of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with corresponding scores ab

us hospitals lists

When general population mention modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to comply with the top standards. The issue today is that any recommendations of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being properly checked and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and attempted to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with corresponding score

Онко-мишень: прогностическая ценность биомаркеров у пациентов с раком желудка.

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Сравнение прогностической ценности биомаркеров на основе иммуновоспаления у пациентов с раком желудка », в котором сообщается, что в этом исследовании авторы прояснили прогностическое влияние показателей, основанных на иммуно-воспалительном процессе, то есть SII, соотношения нейтрофилов / лимфоцитов и тромбоцитов. соотношение / лимфоциты у больных раком желудка. В многофакторном анализе физический статус Американского общества анестезиологов , дифференциация опухоли, патологическая опухоль, узел, стадия метастаза и карциноэмбриональный антиген были независимыми прогностическими факторами общей выживаемости у всех пациентов. Кроме того, многомерный анализ показал, что возраст, ASA-PS, дифференцировка опухоли и стадия pTNM были независимыми прогностическими факторами для OS среди пациентов без воспаления; SII не был прогностическим фактором для ОС. Между тем, индекс массы тела, ASA-PS и SII были независимыми прогностическими факторами OS среди пациенто

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When public discuss modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to comply with the top standards. The problem nowadays is that any results of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and tried to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as we

Oncotarget: можно ли использовать деносумаб в сочетании с доксорубицином при остеосаркоме?

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Можно ли использовать деносумаб в комбинации с доксорубицином при остеосаркоме? », В котором сообщалось, что деносумаб является моноклональным антителом с высокой аффинностью и специфичностью к RANK-L, лиганду, высвобождаемому остеобластами, который усиливает дифференциацию остеокластов и резорбцию костей. Авторы исследовали эффекты деносумаба отдельно и в комбинации с доксорубицином на двух линиях клеток остеосаркомы человека . Они впервые наблюдали противоинвазивный эффект деносумаба на клетки OS и подтвердили его антиостеопоротическую активность также при остеосаркоме. С другой стороны, они демонстрируют, что деносумаб не только не влияет на апоптоз и развитие клеточного цикла, но и при использовании в сочетании с доксорубицином вызывает неожиданное снижение его активности. В заключение, хотя их результаты определенно подтверждают и подтверждают эффективность деносумаба при остеопорозе , авторы Oncotarget не рекомендуют использовать деносумаб в д

hospitals in us

When people refer to modern medicine, precision plays one of the most important roles and human lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The issue today is that any results of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That helps both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with corresponding scores above 100 as well as reports menti

us clinics lists

When general population discuss contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being properly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and decided to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with corresponding scores a

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Доктор Маркус Д. Сигелин из Медицинского центра Колумбийского университета сказал: « Аминокислотный метаболизм может представлять собой« ахиллесову пяту »при раке, так как ряд опухолей приобретает измененную зависимость от некоторых из этих метаболических путей ». Помимо глутамина, аспарагин имеет решающее значение для выживания при ряде злокачественных новообразований . Это наиболее ярко проявляется в условиях острого лимфобластного лейкоза, поскольку во многих из этих клонов злокачественных клеток подавляются уровни фермента аспарагинсинтетазы, которая использует аспартат и глутамин в качестве субстрата для производства аспарагина. В свою очередь, аспарагин препятствует апоптотической гибели клеток, позволяя раковым клеткам поддерживать рост. Чтобы установить потенциальную новую терапевтическую стратегию для пациентов с глиобластомой, они проанализировали различные культуры клеток глиомы , в том числе установленные, подобные стволовым клеткам и полученные от пациентов клетки кс

clinics in us

When public mention today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The challenge nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being properly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with corresponding scores

hospitals in us

Oncotarget published "Oncogenic AKT1(E17K) mutation induces mammary hyperplasia but prevents HER2-driven tumorigenesis" which reported that one such genetic lesion is the somatic AKT1 mutation, which has been identified in 4-8% of breast cancer patients. To determine how this mutation contributes to mammary tumorigenesis, the authors constructed a genetically engineered mouse model that conditionally expresses human AKT1 in the mammary epithelium. Although AKT1 is only weakly constitutively active and does not promote proliferation in vitro, it is capable of escaping negative feedback inhibition to exhibit sustained signaling dynamics in vitro. Consistently, both virgin and multiparous AKT1 mice develop mammary gland hyperplasia that do not progress to carcinoma. Moreover, AKT1 prevents HER2-driven mammary tumor formation, in part through negative feedback inhibition of RTK signaling. Analysis of TCGA breast cancer data revealed that the mRNA expression, total protein lev

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When people speak of contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to meet the top standards. The problem today is that any conclusions of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being properly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as we